annual spring reception & prize book ceremony
This year's Spring Reception and Prize Book Ceremony will be held the evening of Wednesday, April 14. While health conditions continue to improve, we will once again hold this year's reception virtually.
Over the past decade, the popularity of our Annual Spring Reception and Prize Book Ceremony has grown vastly among students and educators throughout Nevada. The Annual Spring Reception is a unique opportunity for local alumni to reconnect with fellow alums, provide insights and information to local students, and support the best and brightest students in Nevada.
Once again, we graciously request your contribution to the Prize Book Ceremony as a sponsor to cover the costs for the students attending and their family. There are three categories of sponsorship: John Harvard ($750+), Crimson ($250-$749), and Scholar ($150 suggested). We certainly hope you will join us for this evening event ($45 per attendee) to provide support and to speak with local students about your own Harvard experiences.