
Become a Sponsor...



Sponsors provide critical support for our Club's activities, especially with those events where local students and families are involved. Currently, we have sponsorships available to fund our care package program, the Harvard Prize Book Award and Reception, and the Harvard Summer Community Fellowship program. Please review the descriptions below to learn more about these programs. If you would like to help sponsor one or moere of these events, in whole or in part, you are welcome to mail in a contribution (of any size) or use your credit card to make a donation when event donations are solicited. 

Care Package Program

Each year, members assemble and mail a care package of goodies to all Nevada students attending Harvard College. In this way, we can demonstrate to these students that we support their academic endeavors and wish them well during exams. Our care packages have become quite popular in the undergraduate houses as our students share their treats with roommates and friends. We also ask students to share their involvements with community service or academic projects, and we will post these on the website in the future.

Harvard Prize Book Award and Reception

Originally in 1910, the Harvard Prize Book was an important and effective way of attracting the attention of talented juniors to the opportunities at Harvard University.  However, the Prize Book has outgrown its original intent, and now represents, in over a thousand schools, one of the highest awards a school can make to a student in the junior class.
Members are asked to contribute $45.00 for the reception, which is a portion of the per person cost.  Sponsorships cover the costs for the student winners and their guests.  There are three categories of sponsorship: 

      John Harvard (Platinum, Diamond) Levels ($750+)
      Crimson (Bronze, Silver, Gold) Levels ($250-$749)
      Scholar ($150)

Each student is usually accompanied by four people (parents and teachers or principal), so we suggest a $150 contribution for the Scholar category.  If you would prefer to sponsor one or more of the actual book awards then please feel free to contribute $30, $60, $90, or more to underwrite the purchase price of the fifteen books we will distribute. A donation link is available whenever event tickets are sold. 

Harvard Summer Community Fellowship Program (SCFS)

This program is a collaboration between the HAA and the Center for Public Interest Careers (CPIC).  Through SCFS, Harvard Clubs have the opportunity to sponsor undergraduate students in exploring summer internships that support their local communities and non-profit organizations.  The program has provided great connections between alumni and students, in addition to broadening experiences for students to consider as career interests.  Locally, we hope to offer more opportunities and provide a positive impact on both the development of undergraduates’ lives and on our local communities.  Harvard Club participation is vital to the success of this program and we encourage your support and feedback on how we can make it possible for Nevada to participate this year. Our guidelines recommend awarding at least $7,500 for each student fellowship, which normally lasts between 8 and 10 weeks.  Therefore, sponsorships, in whole or in part, will make this opportunity available to one or more students each year.

Donation Process: 

Thank you for taking time to learn more about sponsorship opportunities with the Harvard Club of Nevada (HCN). Sponsors, if they wish, will receive recognition on this page; a picture or logo will be added on this page to the right.

Sponsorships for non-alumni businesses must be preapproved before posting on the Harvard Club of Nevada website. We reserve the right to accept or refuse any donations that do not meet our guidelines or negatively effect our 501c3 charitable status.

For HCN members, families, parents, or Ivy Plus members, credit card donations for our most common sponsorship opportunities are provided as event tickets.  If anyone prefers to mail in a sponsorship donation, please mail your check, payable to Harvard Club of Nevada to:

Clarence W Coakley

Past President/Board Member
Harvard Club of Nevada
3540 W. Sahara Ave, #129
Las Vegas, NV 89102-5816